Guru Guru Pet Food Home Page

Feeding Guide Feeding Hands

How much to feed

Guru Pet Food

Guru Dog Food Calculator

Please use the slider on our feeding guide calculator to select your dog’s weight in kilograms.

This dog food calculator lets you see the weight of food in grams that your dog will need per day. Preferably, divide your dog’s food into 2 meals (Calculations are based on 1.2% of your dog’s ideal weight).

For more information about Cold Pressed Dog Food, please check our Definitive Guide To Cold Pressed Dog Food.

Select your dog’s weight
using our handy slider

Grams per day

Guru Puppy Food Calculator

Please use the puppy feeding guide slider to select your puppy’s weight in kilograms.

This puppy food calculator works out the weight of food in grams that your puppy will need per day. (Calculations are based on 2.5% of your puppy’s weight).

Divide the total Grams per day into the following number of meals:

  • Up to 12 weeks old – Puppies need 4 meals a day
  • Around 12 weeks old – Reduce to 3 meals a day
  • Around 6 months old – Reduce to 2 meals a day

Switching to our adult feeding calculator above, differs between dogs/breeds. We recommend changing when your puppy has reached their ideal adult weight and gradually reducing the amount you feed over a few days. Please give us a call if you’d like any more information on 01257 255800

For more puppy feeding information, please check our Questions page

Select your puppy’s weight
using our handy slider

Grams per day



Feed Guru dry or try mixing with water:

How to switch

We recommend an introduction period of two weeks:

  • Start by mixing your new Guru cold pressed dog food with your dog’s old food with a 50/50 ratio.
  • Gradually increase the amount of Guru, whilst serving less of the old food (transitioning times can vary as every dog is different).
  • If your dog has a sensitive tummy, we recommend you start introducing Guru a bite at a time, before following the guide below.
  • You can easily adjust the amount you feed your dog to keep them in just the right shape.

Feeding Guide

Days 1 to 5
50% old food
50% Guru Pet Food

Feeding Guide

Days 6 to 10
25% old food
75% Guru Pet Food

Feeding Guide

Day 11 & After
Guru Pet Food


Stuff to remember

Serving Size

  • Our delicious Guru bite size pieces weigh more than you think. Be careful not to over feed your dog.
  • You will notice your dog drinks a little more water after eating Guru, but this is completely normal and is important for your dog’s digestive system. However, if it becomes excessive, you may be over feeding.
  • Always provide plenty of fresh drinking water from a clean bowl.
  • Your dog’s digestive system should easily accept the natural ingredients. However, if you have any queries when switching, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Guru Pet Food